We worked with a dream team on this record, first being expertly captured to tape by Brent Punshon at Headgap Studios, with vocals and subliminal messages then added with Raul Sanchez (Magic Dirt) in the Kensington Woolsheds. The record was then mixed by Alex Newport of Fudge Tunnel / Nailbomb fame, before the final touches being added by JJ Golden at Golden Mastering.
The album follows on from 2010's 'Skin' EP, with slower songs, primitive drums and layers upon layers of feedback and noise. The album also features a very exciting collaboration in the form of a composition with vocals written and delivered by rick feedtime.
This album, from our point of view, is our first to effectively document our vision of the music.
It's heavy. We can't wait for it's release.
In the mean time enjoy 'Locked Groove'...